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49th Graduation Day Registration
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The 48th Graduation Day of Sacred Heart College, was celebrated on 19th October, 2024 at Kamarajar Arangam for the Undergraduates and Carreno Hall for the Post Graduates. The ceremony was graced by distinguished guests, esteemed faculty members, parents, and the graduating students.

The Chief Guest for the occasion was PDG Rtn. J.B. Kamdar, Chairman and MD of Nadi Airtechnics Pvt. Ltd. and Managing Trustee of Pushpavati Babulal Kamdar Charitable Trust.

The event began with the ceremonial academic procession, led by the Principal, Rev. Dr. Maria Antonyraj, along with heads of departments and faculty members. The principal welcomed the gathering and highlighted the college’s remarkable achievements, including its NAAC accreditation in the 5th cycle under RAF, with a CGPA of 3.53/4, receiving the coveted A++ grade. Sacred Heart College was also ranked 47th among all colleges in India by the NIRF 2024 rankings.

Rev. Dr. Maria Antonyraj, addressed the graduates with a heartfelt message, emphasizing the values of gratitude and action. He thanked the students for their hard work and persistence, and extended his gratitude to the faculty, administration, and families for their unwavering support. He reminded the graduates that success does not come to those who wait, but to those who take consistent steps toward their goals, urging them to believe in themselves and maintain their self-confidence as they move forward in life. He emphasized that success comes with a “yes”—a willingness to embrace opportunities and challenges alike. He also encouraged the graduates to practice compassion in their lives, for it is compassion that defines true success.

PDG Rtn. J.B. Kamdar, in his stirring address, encouraged the graduates to pursue their dreams and choose vocations that align with their passions. He reminded the students to show deep gratitude to the parents and teachers who have played vital roles in shaping them as individuals they are today. He also said that they have completed an important phase of their lives, and everything they have learned is a result of the education provided by the college and their own sharp minds—minds that are valuable assets to society.

He advised the graduates to have an open mind and to be inquisitive, never fearing to ask questions. Drawing an example from Sir Isaac Newton, he shared how Newton’s curiosity about a falling apple led to the discovery of the law of gravity. “The society needs the energy and creativity of the youth,” he said, emphasizing that the youth are not just the future, but the 100 percent of the present. He impressed upon them the importance of their contribution, stating that their efforts are necessary to shape a better world.

He also outlined key habits that could lead to success, mentioning CEOs of major companies like Tata, Coca-Cola, and Tesla, who have consistently demonstrated integrity, punctuality, and a passion for learning. He highlighted three crucial habits:

  1. Integrity – Always be honest and ethical.
  2. Doing the right things – Develop the habit of working hard and staying focused.
  3. Punctuality – Cultivate discipline by waking up early and committing to lifelong learning, with a habit of reading a book every two weeks.

He further encouraged the graduates to not be afraid of making mistakes, for failure often serves as a stepping stone to success. He urged them to dream big and take calculated risks, when necessary, without compromising their integrity. Life, he said, will not always be fair, but trials and challenges are opportunities for growth.

Mr. Kamdar also emphasized the importance of asking for help when needed and express gratitude to those who assist along the way. He advised the graduates to remain calm in the face of adversity and to be ready to give back when their time comes. “Be kind,” he said, “and you will always be right.”

He concluded by sharing an anecdote about Sir Winston Churchill, who was once saved from drowning by a gardener. Years later, it was the gardener’s son, Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin. The story illustrated the unpredictable nature of life and the significance of acts of kindness. In his final words, he inspired the graduates to move forward with faith, believing in their ability to make a difference in the world. "It’s not about making money," he concluded, "but about making a difference and giving back to society."

Altogether, 1473 Degrees were conferred upon graduates from various disciplines. Many students received medals for their outstanding academic achievements. The event concluded with the National Anthem.


March 2025 - Programmes

  • 19/03/2025 : English Language Practicals
  • 01/03/2025 :
  • 02/03/2025 :
  • 03/03/2025 : (UG & PG) – Online Payment
  • 03/03/2025 : Last Date for College Fees with fine
  • 03/03/2025 : Last Date for Online Registration for Even Semester Exams with fine
  • 04/03/2025 : Placement Faculty Coordinators Meeting
  • 05/03/2025 : Ash Wednesday
  • 06/03/2025 : Valediction Function – CIBI
  • 07/03/2025 : First Friday
  • 08/03/2025 : International Women’s Day
  • 08/03/2025 : WD
  • 09/03/2025 :
  • 10/03/2025 : II - C A
  • 10/03/2025 :
  • 11/03/2025 : II - C A
  • 11/03/2025 :
  • 12/03/2025 : II - C A
  • 13/03/2025 : II - C A
  • 14/03/2025 : II - C A
  • 15/03/2025 : Odd Semester Arrear Exams for Life Education
  • 15/03/2025 : JOB FAIR
  • 16/03/2025 :
  • 17/03/2025 : Even Semester Arrear Exams for Life Education
  • 18/03/2025 : English Language Practicals
  • 18/03/2025 :
  • 20/03/2025 : English Language Practicals
  • 21/03/2025 : English Language Practicals
  • 22/03/2025 : English Language Practicals
  • 22/03/2025 : WD
  • 23/03/2025 :
  • 24/03/2025 : II - C A Marks Due
  • 25/03/2025 : Farewell
  • 26/03/2025 : Farewell
  • 27/03/2025 : Scrutiny of Question Papers
  • 28/03/2025 :
  • 29/03/2025 : WD
  • 30/03/2025 : Telugu New Year
  • 30/03/2025 : Ramzan
  • 31/03/2025 : Last Working Day


WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION

Why Choose Us

Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Carreno SDB, a far-sighted missionary from Spain founded Sacred Heart College in the year 1951.  Sacred heart college started functioning with 10 teachers and 81 students and in a short period of seven decades, it has grown into a postgraduate and research institution. With the view to cater to the needs of the deserving local students, the college also offers undergraduate courses and postgraduate courses in the Evening College on self-financing basis.

About Us

We are one of the largest, most diverse Colleges in the India with over 4883 students in India, and accomdate Foreign Nationals accross the globe. We are affliated to Thiruvallur University, Vellore.

Sacred Heart College is an affiliated First Grade College of Thiruvalluvar University.It is a minority institution, established and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco(SDB).The first care of the management is to give Higher Education to the Catholic youth in a Christian atmosphere of peace, justice and social responsibility with a preferential option for the poor among them. The College is also open to students of all castes and creeds other than Catholics. Their religious beliefs are respected in this institution

Our Programmes

Our Strengths









“The Lord is doing great things for Sacred Heart College and Holy is His name.”

I am happy to connect to you all, through this letter.
We are indeed glad that Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur has secured 47th place in NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) ranking, 2024. Moreover, the Thiruvalluvar University has recognised our college with the “Best College of the University” award. This is no one person’s achievement. It is a collective success of the management, staff, students, past pupils and well-wishers of our college. May God continue to bless Sacred Hearts.
As I assume the office of Rector and Secretary of the college from this year, my heart goes out in gratitude to my great predecessors; in a special way to Rev. Dr. John Alexander, under whose touch the college has seen an overall development, in the past 3 years.
We are in the proximity of NAAC peer team visit. The Platinum Jubilee of our college is in the offing too. Lots of events to look forward to.
Skilling is the buzz word of this era; be it at the national, state or local levels. Hence, skill development is the job-bank of the day. Our college has not left any stone – unturned in this most important and much-needed aspect of higher education. Sacred Heart College is dreaming of a state-of-the-art skill centre to cater to this most important need. Let’s all pray that under the guidance of the divine providence and support from the staff, students, past-pupils and philanthropic well-wishers, this dream is realized soon.
May the unconditional love and wisdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, maternal protection of Blessed Mother Mary and the guidance of St. John Bosco continue to lead us all.

Rev. Dr. Praveen Peter SDB,
Rector & Secretary,
Sacred Heart College

I am penning this foreword with a sense of gratitude to all the members of the College Community, for all your excellent support and cooperation, towards completing an event filled year 2019 with great zeal and enthusiasm. God Almighty and our Blessed Mother Mary have blessed us abundantly in 2019 and will guide us in all our endeavours in the New Year 2020.The college has witnessed some important events that will embellish the annals of the college.

Rev.Dr.D.Maria Antony Raj, SDB
Sacred Heart College
Admission In Progress

Dear Applicant, You are asked to edit your marks in the application and upload the soft copy of Mark Sheet/scan copy of Original Mark Sheet in the college portal as soon as you get your +2 results (within a day). Then only your application will be considered for admission. PRINCIPAL, SACRED HEART COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS)

Semester Examination Result

Dear Student, You are asked to check your result of the April 2021 Examination Results online through our portal. Results are based on the marking scheme set by the controller of examinations and it is credible. PRINCIPAL, SACRED HEART COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS)

Scholarship Application Form

Dear Student, You are asked to check your result of the April 2021 Examination Results online through our portal. Results are based on the marking scheme set by the controller of examinations and it is credible. PRINCIPAL, SACRED HEART COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS)

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