Event Details

An orientation programme for Class Quality Circle (CQC) facilitators was held on 26th June, 2024, at Pope Francis Hall, Sacred Heart College. The session was led by Dr. K. Arockiaraj from the Dept. of Social Work. Along with all the class teachers, Rev. Fr. Principal and Dr. Murali, Dean of Student Affairs also participated. The programme aimed to refresh and enhance teachers' understanding of CQCs, highlighting their impact on students' academic, emotional, and social lives. Key areas covered included the history, implementation, and benefits of CQCs. The outcomes of CQC were highlighted to the CQC facilitators. A discussion session followed, addressing teachers' queries, with Dr. Murali providing additional insights. The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Harish, appreciating the contributions of all participants and organizers. Special appreciation was extended to Dr. K. Arockiaraj for his invaluable contributions, reinforcing the commitment to fostering academic excellence through CQCs.