Event Details

The PG & Research Department of Social Work at Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, in collaboration with the YMCA Boys' Division, Tirupattur, and YMCA Taichung, Taiwan, organized an International Volunteers Youth Camp from July 2 to July 14, 2024, as part of an MoU between the institutions. This camp featured seventeen university students and four faculty members, including ten students from Sacred Heart College. The camp facilitated cultural exchange, educational enrichment, and community service, promoting global citizenship and empathy. Rev. Fr. Andrews Raja welcomed the international volunteers, while Rev. Fr. Henry Daniel Ambrose highlighted the importance of such collaborations in his inaugural address. Activities included cleaning, teaching, cultural exchanges, and inter-university interactions in the Chemistry, Business Administration (PG), Zoology, and Psychology Departments. Dr. D. Maria Antony Raj, Principal of Sacred Heart College, emphasized the significance of youth volunteerism and role of Sacred Hearts in reaching out to the neighbourhood through academic and non-academic outreach programmes. He also encouraged for inter-university collaborations for research and publications. Dr. K. Arockiaraj and Rev. Fr. Henry Daniel Ambrose coordinated this event, fostering the relationship between Sacred Heart College and YMCA.