Event Details
The Department of Physics (PG) organized hands-on training on “Science At Nanoscale” on 10-02-2025. Dr. T. Prakash, Assistant Professor, National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, University of Madras, Chennai was the resource person along with three of his research scholars. Prof. C. Thirupathi, UG Head, Department of Physics welcomed the gathering, and Dr. M. Jose PG Head, Department of Physics, introduced the resource person of the day. Rev. Dr. S. John Borg SDB, the Controller of Examinations, Sacred Heart College, gave the felicitation address. Prof. N. Madhavan, the organizing secretary, concluded the inauguration session with a vote of thanks. Dr. T. Prakash, gave a wonderful presentation about science at the nanoscale. Following the session, he students were given hands-on training. The students were divided into four groups, and each group was allotted one research scholar to assist them. Every group was involved in performing Spin coating, Photosynthesis, the Electro deposition method, sol-gel, and finally and SEM analysis. The as-prepared sample was further analyzed with Powder XRD and UV studies. During the valedictory program Dr. R. Ramesh, Mr. N. Madhavan, Dr. S.A. Martin Britto Dhas, and Dr. M. Jose were present. The vote of thanks was given by Mr. Saran, Secretary, Physics Association.