Event Details
The Department of Mathematics celebrated Ramanujan’s Day on 29 January 2025 to enlighten the students about the importance of Mathematics in day to day life situation, the contributions made by Srinivasa Ramanujan, in the field of mathematics and to enrich their knowledge and talents. Seminar, Poster presentation, Math modelling, One Minute Video, Drawing and Quiz competitions with special focus on Indian Knowledge System were conducted to the students.
Seminar on IKS:
During the Seminar on IKS, competitions were conducted for all the classes from I UG Maths to II PG Maths in their respective classes. The participants presented their contents focusing on Indian Knowledge System. The students were assessed by the faculty members.
Poster Presentation on IKS
During the poster presentation, students portrayed their posters focusing on IKS. Dr. Antony Arockiyasamy & Dr.Savitha (Shift II) assessed the participants respectively.
Math Modelling
Students participated in the Math Modelling competitions and were asked to display their working models in front of the classes. Participants were given a freedom of presenting their models relying on applications of Mathematics under any topic provided it should be a working model. Dr. G. Britto Antony Xavier & Dr.Gerly (Shift - II) assessed the models.
Drawing Competition
Students drew without any visual aids. Dr. U. Vasantha Kumar (Shift - II) assessed the portraits drew by the students.
Quiz Competition
The competition consisted of five teams. The participant had prepared their Quiz under the foresaid topics: Basics in UG level and PG level. Dr. A. Merceline Anita, Dr. F. Silviya, Mr. N. Avinash conducted the program.
Dr. Thirumurugan Shanmugam, Professor of IT, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman was the chief guest for the valedictory session. Dr. A. George Maria Selvam PG Head, welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest after a prayer song. Dr. R. Murali, UG Head honoured the chief guest. The chief guest felicitated the students with his warm memories and congratulated the faculty. Then with great joy and privilege all the distinguished personalities presented the certificate and memento to the prize winners and certificates to participants of the day. The event was coordinated by Rev. Dr. T. Sathinathan, Dr. S. Kalaiarasi, Dr. F. Silviya and Mr. Maria Sagaya Nathan respectively.