Event Details

Parents’ and Teachers’ Meet for the III UG students was held on 02nd September, 2023 for Shift-II between 11.00 am and 12.45 pm. The students gathered in the Kamarajar Arangam at 11.00 am. Prayer song was sung by Mr. Henston and team. Mrs. S. Savitha, Vice Principal Academics welcomed the gathering and she emphazied on the importance of parents meeting.


Rev. Dr. Praveen Peter, SDB, the Rector and the Secretary, gave the presidential address. He spoke about the responsibility of parents for welfare of the Students. Rev. Dr. Rev. Dr. Samson Shanmugam SDB, Vice Principal Administration, gave the introduction message to the students. He explained about the rules and regulations of the college, discipline of the college, norms of using mobile phones in campus, dress code, behavior of the students, fees details, opportunities of studying in the college and availability of various scholarships etc.